Ah, there is nothing like blogging after a long days drive. The last two days have been full of scenery and traffic! I can't tell you all how much I am enjoying our road trip. If never I have seen the handiwork of the Creator, then today was the day! The Lord gave me beautiful surroundings as I drove through each state. Flat lands to marshes, cotton fields and farms, hills to mountains and all the while each road lined with trees in magnificent colors of orange, red and yellow. We have been blessed to see some of what the Lord has created!
I was thinking of how lucky we are to live in the United States. It brought me to tears to think of the freedom we have. We can leisurely drive through several states and not have to worry about a thing. Our freedom was fought for and bought and I hope to never take that for granted.
As I was driving, the Lord used the words of John Piper to preach to my heart. I listened to several sermons today. I love how willing the Lord is to capture my heart and my attention. I have no where to run and no where to hide. I loved hearing His sweet words penetrate my heart and grab my thoughts.
So, here I am in Blountville, Tennessee. It's very nice and very cold. We drove through Knoxville and it brought back sweet memories from my time there. I drove Patrick through the University of Tennesse campus and showed him my old dorm and a few of my favorite places. I'm so glad he was able to see it and listen to all my stories. I loved being in Knoxville and I miss it terribly sometimes.
Tomorrow is the final day of our road trip. It doesn't seem like we've been driving for two days at all! And yesterday most certainly did not feel like my birthday. (happy birthday to me...) I'm trying to pull the, "We were moving on my birthday, can we go here (or there) and get this (or that)? Please? I think I deserve a birthday week..." card. So far, it's worked once :) My husband knows me too well (and I like that).
I'll post more when we've arrived in Big Cove Tannery, PA...
Happy Birthday! Hugs!
Yes, Happy Birthday. I miss you already. You'll be happy to know that we had the Kings over with the Ceases and Coffmans the other night and had a great time. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Erin C.
i'm feelin' the Elizabethtown groove, here. traveling mercies, baby
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