Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hotel hangout

I'm sitting at a hotel in Clarksburg, WV. Patrick is on a business trip this week, here in Clarksburg, and since the ovating this happened I came along :) It's a rainy day, with no signs of letting up, but I don't mind at all.

I decided on my drive down that I was going to use these two days to relax and enjoy the freedom on no obligations. This morning, I woke up and watched Good Morning America for a bit, while drinking a cup of coffee. I talked to the Apple people about my computer. It was nice to not have to leave bed for an hour!

This hotel has a fitness facility, a really nice one. I went down to work out after my computer conversation. There were mini TV's on each cardio machine! So, I watched Rachel Ray during my warm up :) It was so refreshing working out and sweating, jammin to my ipod and having the whole facility all to myself!

For lunch, I drove to Panera because I just wanted a sandwich and I love Panera. I'm on my own for all meals since Patrick is in this meeting. He made plans with some friends last week that include dinner time. I didn't want to get in the way of his plans and know that he'll have a great time. I've been pondering where I want to eat dinner all afternoon! Texas Roadhouse, Room Service, Applebee's, Denny's, some Mexican place...I still don't know.

There are stores to shop in and a mall close by, but the thing I've found most enjoyable is the free wi-fi and hot drinks! I can sit in my room all afternoon if I want and sip hot tea and browse the Internet. However, I do have plans to study (learning how to put together a strength training program) and read magazines and have some much needed time focusing on the Lord.

The "do not disturb" sign is on the door, in case I fall asleep and housekeeping make their way to my room. My hot tea is seeping in the mini coffee pot. My books are piled up beside me and I'm ready for a nice lazy afternoon. I'm thinking about making these kind of days more of a habit :)

Oh, hey. If anyone is near Clarksburg tonight and you want to meet for dinner...I'm free! :)


Coffman Family said...

Thinking about you and hoping your, um, mission is accomplished on this trip!

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

I love keeping track of far away friends via the blog! Praying for your baby-making! ;)

Jen said...

Wishing you meant clarksburg, MD and not WV. I'd be there in just 10 minutes!
Have fun! :) jen

Steph said...

Ah...that sounds heavenly!

Oh and yes...Good Luck!

Jeannie said...

Hey, I know taht Hungarian!!

This is me, once again, sticking my tongue out at you :P :P :P
There's 3 of 'em, baby. Argh. Miss you and want a hotel room to myself RIGHT NOW.