Monday, May 12, 2008


So, last week we got a Wii. It was a splurge for us. We had been talking about it since September. We played it with our good friends and have been wanting one ever since.

Not only has it been a lot of fun for Patrick and I, but people are loving our house! We had some friends over to watch The Office last week and they stayed for another hour to get in some Wii time. Also, Kent was up this weekend which gave Patrick a very enthusiastic MarioKart partner.

Boxing is my favorite and I have beat Patrick at it every time (okay, he won once...). However, I can only brag about boxing because Patrick beats me in everything else. Seriously. I stink at video game playing. And that's okay with me. :)

Sooooooo - here are some Wii- time pictures:

This is me golfing...
This is how Piper sleeps when Patrick is playing Wii. Of course, he wears himself out trying to attack the controller thing in our hands.
Patrick and Allyson boxing...
Andre bowling...


Anonymous said...

John surprised me with a Wii a couple of weeks ago. My favorites are 1. tennis and 2. bowling!!! I'm going to try the boxing next.

Jeannie said...

Oooh, we could not have survived the winter without Wii. Our boys are pros at it and Aaron's pretty unbeatable at golf. Challenge?? :) I will go make a mini-mii of you and PDawg :)