Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yummy crunchy bars of goodness

I love reading magazines. It's so relaxing to me and if it's a magazine I like, I can get sucked in for hours. I have my favorites (Real Simple, Cooking Light, Country Living - to name a few) that I get each month. There are others I really enjoy (Self, Shape, Fitness) that I don't get, but love reading and would buy them off the rack if I saw something I liked on the cover.

Recently, I started getting Bon Appetite magazine. Kent got me a BA cookbook for my birthday and it came with a free year subscription (bonus!!!). I didn't know much about the magazine, but for the last three months I've enjoyed every issue. I thumb through it quickly, then go back and read each page. The recipes are wonderful (and I end up with folded corners on a lot of pages!) and the articles usually consist of things I'm interested in or can learn from. Plus, in the back there are two sections that have me hooked - the kitchen section and the "prep school" section. What's not to love about three to five pages of things for your kitchen and then a few pages on bacic to pretty advanced how to's, tips and techniques for cooking and baking.

With all of that said I made a recipe from the magazine on Monday night. They are called Coffee Crunch Bars and sounded pretty good. I was bored and thought, I have everything - why not? They are supposed to be crunchy, so if you're like my dear husband they may not be something you would normally munch on - but try them! They use a lot more butter than I would like, but it's a dessert! :) The dark brown sugar, plus the extract (I used vanilla because I didn't have the almond it called for) and sliced almonds lends a soft toffee flavor to the chocolate chips happily mixed in. Oh yum!

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