Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Playtime and picture time

Here is how Benjamin and I spent an hour this afternoon :)

I love looking into those eyes!
He loves my kisses...
"I always have to steal my kisses from youuuu...." and he likes it
Happy baby...which is nice because he has been rather unhappy the last two days due to a growth spurt.
Wondering how many pictures momma is going to take...
Just thinking...
Wide eyed baby boy!
So cute and close up!
Thank you, baby bjorn, for helping my baby snuggle with me and fall asleep :)


mama cindy said...

PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you all, but I can't wait to play with Benjamin!!!

Jeannie said...

I'm not kidding, this is one gorgeous baby. I've got a serious crush on this guy.

Don't you LOVE the baby bjorn? Those Swedes really know how to make baby gear.

I think about calling you practically everyday, but don't want to interrupt a nap!! THEY ARE GOLDEN - both YOURS and HIS, right?

LOVE and crushing hugs to all of you,

Amanda said...

He is just the cutest thing....and how precious are u momma!!!!!

casey said...

he is very cute Ashley!! You look so happy! congratulations! :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! He is ADORABLE!!!!! LOVE THE PICS!