Saturday, March 5, 2011

more gratitude...

today my heart is grateful. and changing. and a little heavy. but mostly grateful.

i am grateful for good friends. and a retreat. and long conversations.

i am grateful for growing. and tears. and long talks. and praying with the man i love.

i am grateful for baby kicks. and jabs. and even feet in my ribs and a head on my bladder.

i am grateful for sleep. whenever it comes. however it comes.

i am grateful for grace. for a redeemed life. a faithful God.

i am grateful for a husband who will paint the walls of a nursery so I can calm down a little.

i am grateful for a sweet boy. for random words, like, "I love you, momma". for indescribable joy when i see his little face.

i am grateful, indeed.

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