Monday, April 11, 2011


I love when Benjamin comes up with something and it sticks. He's at such a fun {although challenging} age. His mind is a constant source of entertainment for me.

Lately, he calls anything on a ceiling with lights a "sunny". He will call a lamp by it's name and will call certain lights "lights", but mostly things with lights above him are sunnies. Including the sun, obviously :)

He'll say, "sunny on/off, momma?" "ohhhh, sunny!" "Look at the sunny, momma!"

I love it! And just so we all know, I don't plan on correcting it anytime soon :) He'll figure it out one day and I'll be sad. Until then, there are a few sunnies on around the house that we could probably turn off.


mama cindy said...

so precious!

Jeannie said...

Ooh! Write those down! I hate it when I forget the cute things they've said...

We got Hope in the habit of saying "Praise God!!" when she sees a sunrise or sunset :)