Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why God gave me Patrick...

There are a lot of reasons that convince me of the Divine planning of bringing Patrick and I together. There are also days when I question our compatibility. But I'm always in awe of how well we work together, despite being EXACTLY opposite. In fact, it may be fun to do a series of posts on the subject. Although, I may be the only one interested in that!

This is my reason, today: I spent an hour, tonight, searching website after website to get a great deal on Robeez for Andrew. I would check on site, then compare another. I would look at the different options. I was convinced about getting shoes that were called "He's a runner", well because I run. And I liked that my child would have shoes called "He's a runner". {I'm so lame}

Then I saw them. Eric Carle hungry caterpillar shoes. ON SALE! I love them and they are so sweet. I agonized deeply about this purchase because I could get AR's size in the caterpillar shoes, but not the runner shoes. Do I get them anyways? Shipping is free with the purchase of two shoes, so I would have to pay shipping. Is it worth it? Can I find them this cheap somewhere else? No, I cannot. They are only on the Robeez website!!!

AN HOUR. I spent an hour contemplating this. Ugh. I feel awful just thinking of that wasted time.

Then Patrick comes home and I say something dramatic like, "I'm so stressed about this awful decision I have to make about the incredibly fabulous shoes for Andrew." He probably rolled his eyes, although I can't say for sure, and then asked to see them. He promptly told me he did not like them at all and said a few choice things about them. Then he said, "There. That was easy."

And that is why I know God gave me Patrick, today. He can make very easy decisions when I simply cannot find the sanity or rational to do so about very important things like baby shoes.

The End.

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