Since day one, Patrick has faithfully and lovingly (although I didn't always think so) guided me closer to Jesus. His "goal" as my husband is to help me know Jesus more and to be able to present me to Christ without spot or blemish. He, along with the Lord, desires for me to be holy. What a task he has!
I am certain that Patrick is indeed my "soul mate" and the man that the Lord intended me to marry. I'm so grateful that the Lord has shown me favor in this way: by giving me a husband that loves Him and desires to help me love the Lord more. There have been days (and weeks!) that I know without Patrick's spiritual guidance, I would have ran rebelliously in my sinful ways, delighted to go against the Lord...because that is my nature.
Recognizing sin is quite an achievement on out part, I would say. It's not easy to humble yourself before a holy and just God and ask for eyes to see the ugliest part of who you are. It takes a beautiful love for the Lord to ask for His ways, and not our own. It is a difficult joy to repent from sins realized and confidently obey the commands of God's word. Surely there is greatness stored up for those to learn to hate sin and love righteousness.
Patrick shared this quote from John Piper:
"Yesterdays record of your sin is enough to send you to HELL, if you don't believe that, you don't know how HOLY God is."
Those words shook me to my core. Do I even know the depths of my sin? Do I realize how perfectly holy God is and how disgustingly sinful I am? No, I don't think I do. Oh, but I want to.
Lord, give me eyes to see my sin, the willingness to confess it and the ability to hate it. Make me holy because You are holy. Thank you for your holiness and beauty. I am small and despised. I'm only dust and I need you desperately. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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