Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A non-beachy day...

I visited a history museum today and they had this quilt that was made during the Civil War. The owner buried this quilt in the ground so the Yankees wouldn't steal it. It was later retrieved and has stayed in the family. It's never been washed!

I tried to get some kids to tag-a-log to my day of history, but no one wanted to come. So I went to the museum, a tea room, an antique shop and a Civil War trail. I suppose I couldn't have done all of that with small children with me. This is me on the trail...
Cindy, the Mudslide maker... pre - dinner
The "best crazy jump" line up - from bottom, Brianna, Kai, Jenna and Silas... I think Silas won this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice quilt! It looks really good for not being washed, ever. Lot's of fun. Yeah you!