Friday, August 24, 2007

Our last full day...

Since this was our last full day here at Emerald Isle, we wanted to make the most of everything. We spent some time at the beach, in the ocean and swimming in the pool. It was a very relaxing day. I even took a nap! What a great vacation this has been! (Have I mentioned that yet?)

Here is Uncle Patrick and Uncle Kent throwing Jenna in the pool. She's a lightweight, so she really got some air!

The guys decided to one-up the last sand castle. Bob, Kent, Patrick and Quay spent three hours making this incredible castle! People were stopping by and taking pictures. They did a fantastic job! The final product had landscaping and exterior shell decorations.
Patrick took a few pictures of me on the beach. It was quite windy out this afternoon. This is a very nautical me...


Morgan said...

This is such a cute picture of you! i miss you ashley!

Anonymous said...

Nice castle!! I like the picture of you and look at your suntaned arms. Glad you all had a nice relaxing time.