Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Better Movie

Patrick and I have been watching a lot of movies lately. Like I said, he loves them and it's a great way for him to relax. We have the Blockbuster thing where we pay ten bucks a month and they send us movies one by one. Another perk of that is this: instead of mailing the movie back, we can take it to BB and get a free rental. Sweet.

On Sunday, we watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy. It was pretty funny and totally 80's! I was surprised by the cursing and the predictability. However, you can't go wrong with a comedy team like Steve and John. We laughed a lot!

The other movie we watched, and the focus of my post, was Reign Over Me with Adam Sandler and Don Chealde. Wow. It was an incredible, moving and intense movie. We had heard good things about it, but had no idea how good it was.

Just a quick summary, minus spoilers in case you're interested: Adam Sandler plays a guy suffering from Post Traumatic stress syndrome after losing his family during 9/11 attacks. Don Chealde was his college roommate. They run into one another and form a new kind of friendship. Through a series of random times hanging out together, they are able to help one another. There was cursing and violence and it is rated R, but it was really good.

I don't want to give too much away. I seriously think it may be one of my favorite movies. Adam Sandler always surprises me with his acting roles. After his jaunt of comedies, Spanglish won me over with a subtle and serious role. Yet again, he pulls off a very hard role and makes me believe everything he says and does. There are some funny parts, and you can't help but laugh sometimes at things that maybe weren't meant to be laughed at. But hey, it's Adam Sandler.

Patrick and I both brought up the movie the next evening. We had been thinking about it all day. Wrapping our minds around the complexity of the story and the emotional ties that everyone can sympathize or empathize with. If you haven't seen Reign Over Me, please take a few hours and watch it. Watch it with someone you love and cherish and couldn't stand living without. In the end, the movie was about love lost and love gained and who couldn't use a refreshed lesson in that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Monty and I really enjoyed this movie as well.