Wednesday, January 2, 2008


At the end of every year, tons of people search desperately for something to accomplish in the coming new year. So, as it is, the trend of making a "New Year resolution" began (well, for all blogging purposes). I've happily fallen prey to such a trend, but only once can I remember succeeding in seeing my resolution to completion. That was last year.

My new years resolution -last year- was to lose weight. I had already started the process and had changed my lifestyle enough to keep going. I wanted to reach my goal weight, which meant losing 20 (ish) pounds. I did that by November, I think. That made me feel great (in a lot of ways). I felt like I was able to really accomplish something!

You see, I have a deeply embedded fear of failure. I constantly think I'm a failure, telling myself over and over again that I'm incapable of even the easiest things. I know this is wrong. I pray about it all the time. Sometimes I'm a lot more confident than others, but still it's a struggle for me.

I've been told that the more you resolve to do, the less likely you'll succeed at any of them. So, when thinking about resolution for 2008 I came up with pretty much...nothing. However, I allowed myself a few minutes to process some things and finally found a few things that I would love to do this year. Some of them are to better myself, some are to push myself and some are, well, just fun ideas. There may be a few more than two or three, but what fun is it to not have goals? :) Without any more rambling, I will present to you my 2008 resolutions:

* Finish my studying - PT course
* Pass the certification exam
* Get more organized - specifically the office and the kitchen
* Maintain my weight
* Read at least one book that does not have anything to do with self help
* Walk more
* Be more wise with my money and our budget

I do realize that by posting these things on my blog, there are about ten people who will now have the ability to hold me accountable - great! I need that, and I'm not ashamed to admit it :)

Here's to much joy, peace, humility and gratitude in 2008. A year where I take more time with the Lord and less time being stressed. A year to stop and praise God for what I have and not be annoyed that I don't have what I want. A year to gain a new perspective, a broader horizon, a brighter smile. You and I both know that this year is nothing without the kindness and grace of our Heavenly Father. So, more than any other resolution, "let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23) Amen?


Anonymous said...

YOU are not a failure and never have been. My resolution for the new year is to lose some weight and excersise. I'm hoping I can make it work this year. Love you!

Erin said...

Congrats on WVU's win! Reed and I watched it the other night and thought of you guys!!

Beth said...

Amen. :) That's one of my favorite verses!

I'm embarking on your 2007 resolution (the weight one) with a goal of being much healthier (and not just about losing x pounds, although I do have a number in mind). (However, I'm not calling it a resolution, because NYRs are hardly ever kept!) I'm interested in knowing what specific things you did to accomplish your goal -- any advice, tips, tricks, etc. you can share that worked for you. A future blog, perhaps, or maybe an email? :)