So, I didn't get a white Christmas. However, I am getting a white New Year... sorta. It's snowing and kind of accumulating, but nothing big. I want a snow storm, people. We should really consider moving to Alaska or Vermont or Maine or Minnesota. I believe all those places get more snow than Indiana, PA.
Also, I'm truly disappointed with the weather people at the weather channel dot com :). This morning, we were getting (as predicted by the meteorologist) ten inches by tomorrow. This evening, maybe three. Come on! This girl wants some serious accumulation! I have an all wheel drive vehicle. I am capable of walking to a grocery store. I have a friend within one mile of my home. I have many house project that I could take on. I have a lot of books I would like to read. I have so many recipes I would like to try. I just want a snow day (or week).
That's all. I'm done whining and complaining now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friends! I'll post much more on that tomorrow! But for now, I'm wallowing in my no snow self pity. (cue: big sigh)
3 comments: seems more reliable than Sorry you didn't get the big snow storm. I'm just glad I haven't had to break out the flip flops and tank tops for a whole week in Texas.
at least you get snow!! :)
Poor Ash! We got your snow!!!
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