Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Money fast

I will start here: My friend, Lorrie, has blogged about her fasts from spending and her fast from unwholesome talk. Both things are greatly distressing to give up, from my perspective. While I'm not usually an unwholesome talker, I can be quite negative and choose to let my raw emotions rest on my sleeve (that somehow throws things into my mouth). Both of her fasts were an encouragement to me.

Let's be honest though - there is something we could all use a break from. I don't mean a happy break either (I wouldn't mind a cleaning break). I'm talking about those few things that linger in your lifestyle that you know shouldn't really be there as much as they are. Spending money excessively, being on the internet constantly, unwholesome talk, disrespecting your husband - just to name a few things that I do.

Here's my current confession: I spend money, a lot. I'm not sure if it is because I wasn't taught how to use money wisely growing up, if it's a control thing, an emotional thing. Whatever it is, it's not glorifying to God or respectful of my husband or the budget we created. Some months, I'm really good and can be very wise with money. In fact, Patrick has taught me so much about finances. Through prayer, I've found wisdom in dealing with money and how to spend it appropriately.

There are a few things that I go over in our budget consistently: Groceries, Target, Clothes, Home Decorations. What in the world is my problem? So, starting tomorrow I'm going to fast from spending money on these things excessively.

Here is my plan:
Groceries - I love cooking and baking and it's so easy for me to buy a few extras every week to play with. Plus, we love having people over and that can get pricey sometimes.

My goal is to stay within my budget and even aim for about $50 less for the next two months. I plan to do the majority of my weekly shopping at Wal-Mart (bleh) and buy produce and meat at Martin's. I will only buy what's on my list and can only get something that's NOT on the list if I know for an absolute fact that we're out of it and it's necessary that week. I will continue using coupons and look forward to our garden supplying free veggies very soon.

Target - I'm hoping this will be fairly easy. My goal is to spend only 3/4 of our current budgeted amount each month for the next three months. Since Target is an hour away, my trips are less frequent. Usually I justify spending more since I only go ever six weeks, but now I will only go when A) There's a need and B) There is ample money in the budget.

Clothes - for me, not Patrick. I get $60 a month for clothes and I always use it. Granted sometimes I'll get a book or something, but the point is I always spend this money. I do have a rule though: Buy one thing, get rid of another (and I always do). My goal is to not buy any clothes for the next two months. Even if I get pregnant, I should not need to buy maternity clothes within the next two months (right?).

Home Decorations - I love decorating our house. I don't think it's overly decorated, but I obviously spend the money and I don't need to. My goal is to only use half of the allotted money each month for the next two months.

My hope and desire is that through this I can see more clearly how God wants me to use our money and how to learn to be responsible with what He has given us. I'll keep you updated through the process.


Anonymous said...


I am very proud of you and can't tell you how blessed I am that you are my wife. I love you

Steph said...

Hmmmm? I was just thinking about a spending fast...the only thing with me though, is that i would fast for the two months (say) and then just be waiting and waiting for my "time" to be done so i could go back to spending. Maybe the fast will work on some of that grossness goin' on in my heart.

I am anxious to see what you learn from this. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!

Erin said...

Darn, I thought you were going to tell me how to get!
Just kiddin'!
I hear ya, sister. I'm with Steph!

Jeannie said...

Dave Ramsey would give you a big high-five :)

young wife&mom said...

i'm proud of you. to the extent we let God into every area of our seems that is the extent he comes in. sometimes i wish he would barge in and say..Hey Lorrie here is what you need to do....but instead he waits until our hearts are ready to see our areas that need work and then he has room to work. i have been amazed at seeing God bless both of my fasts...can't wait to hear what God teaches you too:)