Tuesday, July 15, 2008

About Round 3

It's been awhile since I've posted a Clomid update. To my defense, this is all fair and just since I'm unable to move with being nausea, tired from the moment I wake and walking around with sore (and growing) breasts. What in the world?!

It's true. I am pregnant. We've known for two weeks (and I, slightly before that) and have had two ultrasounds. Today, I am only at six weeks. However, bright and early this morning we saw the heart beating on the ultrasound. This brought much relief since I started bleeding yesterday. As it turns out, I have a hemorrhage in my uterus that will heal itself, but cause unwanted grief for a mom-to-be.

I must say that I was not expecting to be pregnant with this round. Not only were the doctors concerned it didn't work, I developed something in my right tube that needs to be taken care of (and will now wait until early March - which is my due date). Everything seemed to go wrong. But it didn't,really. It was God's timing and His grace that lead us to this miracle!

Truly, I'm undeserving of this gift. I know full well that it's only by God's goodness and grace that we're experiencing the miracle of life growing within me. As much of a gift this child is, and will be, my greatest gift in all of this is that I was able to know the Lord more through this long trial. How incredible that the Lord graciously taught me to be thankful for my trial and my burden before I even knew I would receive the gift of a child. I'm overwhelmed by the responsibility and privilege to share what I've learned and seen for God's glory!

With that said, I knew I was pregnant because I was starving constantly and I normally don't eat much. Oh, and I teared up walking up and down the stairs because of the pain my in breasts. I took a pregnancy test one Sunday morning. With excitement and apprehension, I told Patrick and called my doctor. I got a blood test the next day with HcG levels of 189 (they consider 100 to be a viable pregnancy). Two days later, more blood work showed my HcG levels to be 616. They tripled!

Last week we saw the yolk sac and my HCG levels were a bit over 5,000. Thankfully, they don't need any more blood for a while. While we're still early on in this pregnancy, we're trusting the Lord and whatever He has planned for us. We're overjoyed and excited, but still a little nervous.

Thank you all so much for your support, your encouragement and your prayers. We couldn't have gotten through this without you! Please continue praying for us and our little baby and don't forget to take a moment to praise God for all He has done and will do. Praise Him for still being a God of miracles, even after a long wait and a hard road. I hope you all can know the joy found in seeking God through trials. Whatever the outcome may be, He is always worth it. I know that full well!


Morgan said...

wow ashley! what great news! it brought a tear to my eye! i am so excited for y'all, i will pray for a healthy pregnancy, and baby. congratulations!

Jason and Sarah said...

God is so good! I am so excited for you! I have been checking your blog continuously to see any news about this round, and for some reason I thought this round would work:) I know I don't make comments often but I really have been keeping up with you and thinking about and praying for you! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!! I was definitely wondering about Round 3.... You are going to make such a fabulous mama!!! I am THRILLED for you guys, and will be praying for that little (yet huge!) miracle in your belly!!

Anonymous said...

Well, as I look at my own two-year-old miracle, I can totally relate to all you have been going through. You have been a fabulous example through this trial. I believe that gOd makes some of us go thorugh things to teach us how to totally rely on HIm all th emore.....and I know I have more sonce J was born. Take care of yourself!
God bless!
Shannon Shrewsberry

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you guys! I know how much you've prayed, cried and sought God about this child! He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him! And thank you for adding that joy can be found through trials...that is such a good reminder and one I needed to hear again! :) Thanks girl! Miss and love you!

young wife&mom said...

glory be to God! we will be praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

As you know............I've been waiting for this post! I cannot begin to describe the incredible feeling of happiness in my heart for you and Patrick. You both will make wonderful parents and I of course will make an awesome grandma :) God is Good! Love you!

Steph said...

Oh my gosh!!!! What fabulous, wonderful news!!!! I am so happy for you and Patrick. What a journey!

We will continue to pray and we continue to praise God for His perfect faithfulness.

Baby Hancock said...

Yippeee! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! You and Patrick will be fabulous parents. You'll be in my prayers during the pregnancy.


Beth said...

Oh Ashley, I'm so excited for you guys. Thanks for sharing the news! :) Praise God!

Nathan & Sarah said...

Ashley, I've been praying for you and Patrick for some time, and now I'm praying even more. God is so incredible and I've thanked him numerous times for the miracle and gift he has given you. I was so excited when I saw your announcement on facebook, and now to read it on your blog. You will be an amazing mother.
(oh and I found that crackers, giner ale, and really really cold water helped my sickness.not to mention naps...don't know if that will help but I thougth I'd mention it.)

Bozics said...

HOORAY!! I'm so glad that you get to experience God's awesome grace. So many miracles are foreshadowed by a season of hardship-I know full well with what went on with Libby. But it makes us appreciate God's awesomeness so much more! I will keep all three of you in my prayers.

Coffman Family said...

Congratulations!! How faithful is the Lord our God! Joining y'all in prayer for your child and strength and patience to endure the many trials of pregnancy - all to the glory of God!

Lauren said...

Ashley! I have been checking EVERY day - sometimes more than once and I am so excited I am crying! What a wonderful God we have!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!! Thanks for the update! I'll be praying for the process. WHEW HOOOOOOOOO!

Erin said...

Ah, let the fun begin!!!! Celebrating God's blessings with you and everyone who loves you! Can't wait to hear more!

Jeannie said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats, fantastic news. We are so excited for you.
Melanie Clemmer

Jen said...

i teared up a little when I read those words! I am sooo sooo happy for you two! YEAH GOD! CONGRATS friend!

Jen said...


mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

Praying for you and baby right this minute!