Thursday, July 10, 2008


Zumba and I, we have a special relationship. If you would have asked me two years ago if I would go to a Zumba class, I would have laughed hysterically and said no way! I didn't know much about this salsa dancing workout until we went to a "White Elephant" Christmas party. We "received" a box set of Zumba video tapes from the Cease's. Good times.

Once (this is a sad confession, but here I go!), I put a tape in to see why these Zumba videos were all the rage at the party. They had been graciously been passed around for some time. I did the workout on the tape and I laughed at the guy the whole way through. It was pretty ridiculous. (but I was sweating by the end)

Ah, but fast forward - me and my love move to small town USA with minimal workout options. No spinning, no dance classes for adults, no races, no fun. However, we are moving up friends! The YMCA has a new Zumba class (the old one did not include many folks under the age of 50, which slowed things down a bit)! The instructor is young and really energetic and makes seriously sassy faces while she's Zumba-ing. The sassy face thing is quite contagious, however, because I started doing it too.

Maybe it was spending six weeks in Venezuela with dance parties all the time. Maybe it was the salsa dancing lessons Patrick and I took. I don't know, but I' pretty sure I was made to salsa dance. Needless to say, I think I'll go back for some more Zumba next week! We've come a long way in our relationship.

Disclaimer: Since moving to Indiana, there is a seasonal spinning class (that's ok), I'm sure I could find dance classes and there are races all over this area. I don't hate Indiana, PA.


Anonymous said...


I've been Zumba-ing for over a year and a half, Adam even went to a few sessions with me! It is fantastic! If you are ever in Motown and feel the need to Zumba, Alex Amedro does them often at our church/or old Sabraton School (M, W, Th, Sat).

Steph said...

Hilarious! I'm so glad you got those videos...nobody else would have appreciated them! :)

I think you should post a video of you zumba-ing...especially the sassy faces!!!