Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bummed... yet excited


Bummed about:
*My doctor telling me today that my placenta being low does not matter and I will have to wait until 30 weeks for another ultrasound. No gender knowledge for us until CHRISTMAS! Booooooooo... Can anyone get me an ultrasound in two weeks?

*I found out today that our neighbor, across the street, had a baby last week. I got to hold him today, so precious. The bummer? I had NO IDEA she was pregnant. She has been here as long as we have. Oops...

*Still wearing a rubber band with my jeans.

Excited about:
*The awesome season premiere of The Office. Oh my soul!

*Having great friends over who love The Office.

*The incredible dinner I made - roasted pork tenderloin with sauteed onion and apples with a white wine, orange, butter sauce. Stuffing. Rosemary roasted potatoes.

*The potential for rain over the next few days.

*Feeling our little baby kick today when the doctor was listening to the heartbeat. So cool. Although I haven't felt anything since.

*Gaining some muscle back. At last! ANNNDDDD my doctor told me it was perfectly okay for me to train for a 10k after the baby is born (and I heal properly!!!). Yes!

Randomness, I know. But wasn't it worth reading :)


Lynnette said...

We had our ultrasound to find out the sex and the baby had it's legs crossed so we to have to wait till 28 wks or longer to find out the sex of this baby. And now we have to switch drs because Chester's new insurance isn't covered by my dr so who knows what new drs ultrasound schedule is AHH!! So I understand girl!!

Beth said...

It was worth reading :)

Anonymous said...

I loved it!

Jeannie said...

Two words: Michael Klump

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

drink orange juice to produce beautiful baby kicks..:) they like the sugar (and at least the juice is full of vitamin C).