Friday, September 5, 2008

Just a few things to whine about...

*Yesterday, my jeans stopped being wonderfully comfortable. I could button them, but I couldn't do anything except lay flat on my bed if I wanted to be comfortable. They still fit great in my legs and butt, but my waist - not so much. I'm still working through this today and I'm trying to be excited about maternity clothes.

*I think that protesters are ignorant. If you don't like the Democrats or if you don't like the Republicans, blog about it. Seriously, some people in this country are so disrespectful. Just let the candidates give their speeches and let the people who support them have a good time. Please don't ruin it because you disagree.

*My dog cornered a baby squirrel today on a tree in our backyard. I was happily going about my morning with a loud squeaky noise outside. I thought Piper was trying to attack bird, because he does that sometimes, but when I looked outside the baby squirrel was paralyzed with fear and they were starring at each other. Despite great attempts at getting Piper to come inside (well, maybe not great, I wasn't about to go onto the porch or in the yard and get any closer), I gave up and squealed around the kitchen. I then sat on the stairs with my ears plugged so I couldn't hear the noise. Patrick was sleeping (because he was on the rig until 4 am...ugh!) and was not happy with any of us. Finally, he came down stairs and pulled Piper away from the baby, which was now on the ground because apparently Piper thought it was a toy or playmate. Piper barked and barked at it, hoping it would jump up and chase him and play fetch with him - I think. Patrick, my hero, put the baby in our tree (it was still alive) and Piper stayed inside the rest of the morning. And to update you on the status of the baby squirrel - it's gone. Hopefully in a recovery area for small animals attacked by stupid dogs.

*I don't think I should be consuming the amount of food that I am. I mean, I eat a lot. Eating for two consists of 200- 300 extra calories a day. Maybe I think I'm eating for four. We'll see how the weight gain thing works out.


Morgan said...

Get excited! Maternity jeans are great! So comfy!

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

I say eat and eat and eat! The weight after a first baby comes off quite easily! It's the second and third that are tricky! :) congrats on making it out of the 1st trimester. Ooooh, and my pick for best maternity wear - gaucho pants!

Courtney said...

But aren't you glad you feel up to eating a lot? :-)

If you think you don't like maternity pants now, wait until you've been wearing them for five months!

Jen said...

you might come to like maternity pants, I had a GREAT pair and wore them everyday I think.
and by the way....EAT...if you are hungry, its cause you need to eat. This is the one time in your life when you can eat as much as you want and gain weight and its what you are supposed to do. enjoy.

Jason and Sarah said...

Yes, maternity jeans are very comfy! If you don't want to wear those yet you should check out a bella can wear it over the top of your normal jeans and leave them unbuttoned...I did this for a little while before I bought maternity jeans. And I wore it for the rest of my helped my back:)