Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little baby...

This morning, I had an ultrasound. It was the first one since we left Magee's. The baby looks great and its heartbeat was 136. Wonderful. The precious little thing was just laying there and then all the sudden it was turning and kicking and waving. It was so incredible to see the baby moving inside of me and I wasn't even able to feel it! The nurse was sweet to endure the continuous questions and my random rantings while she was trying to take pictures of the baby.

My placenta is low (which could be a reason I am spoting), so she said I may have to come back after a few weeks to make sure it's moving. This would be great because then we could find out what we're having. My doctor doesn't ususally do a gender ultrasound until 26 - 30 weeks, so I wouldn't mind one in between!

Here is our little baby!


The Swifts said...

what a beautiful baby!!!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!! That's all this gramma has to say! Love you!

Erin said...

That's a REALLY good picture! Why is my heart already melting. It must have something to do with the fact that I mildly relate to the waiting you've endured and am now completely overjoyed at the Lord's fulfillment and satisfaction. May he/she be His!

Catherine Haskew said...

Oh my word, he or she looks absolutely perfect!

Jen said...

so, SO cool!!!
:) rejoicing with you!

Jeannie said...

look, it's patrick's head! :)

Morgan said...

so exciting! my guess is a girl. :) i hope you get to find out soon!

Beth said...

Pregnancy is an incredible thing. Those pictures are so amazing! I'm praising God for such a great gift to you and Patrick :)

Nathan & Sarah said...

I'm going to guess boy due to the lower heart rate, but what do I know? (Ava was always 150+) Your little one looks great!

Anonymous said...

Simply precious!!! :)

Love you, girl!

Erin said...

beeeuuutiful! I love that picture!

I had spotting due to a low-lying placenta (Charlie's). Scared the pants off of me, but it moved up where it was supposed to, and it was just fine.

And we were able to clearly see genders at a 13 week ultrasound, so here's hoping you get another peek soon!

Steph said...

What a beautiful picture, Ashley! Seeing and hearing all of this is such an encouragement to my faith. You prayed and prayed and prayed. And God answered.
He is the God Who Hears.

Blessings, my friend...to you, Patrick and baby!