Saturday, November 8, 2008

Should I know or not?

My doctor doesn't want to do another ultrasound until I'm at least 28 weeks. He would prefer 30 weeks, but I looked at him with a sad face and explained that 30 weeks is two days after Christmas so he said 28 weeks was fine.

Not knowing if we're having a boy or girl has been hard on me (because I want to know). I've had such a hard time enjoying pregnancy and really connecting with the baby. I also just realized that there is a lot of emotion coming into this pregnancy. The emotion, the heartache from trying for three years, the emotional roller coaster of being on fertility drugs for six months, the guilt of finding out I was pregnant before others who have been trying, the excitement of finally conceiving, the difficulty of the first trimester. In my mind, knowing the gender would bring it all together.

I'm glad to recognize some of these issues I'm working through and grateful for a friends insight to help me see them. It's been helpful and I feel like I'm really enjoying having a baby growing inside of me. I've been able to work out and walk whenever I want (which I find is necessary for my sanity), I feel this little baby kick on a regular basis and that amazes me! I call it funny names or cute things like "sweet pea". I talk to it more often than I thought and Patrick LOVES to stick his face right on my belly and talk (although I've explained that it can hear just fine if he's a little further away. He does this because my mom does it). I love finding this connection - and all without knowing the gender.

But there is still that longing inside of me to know if I should call it a he or she. I want to know how to decorate the nursery and what kind of fuzzy cold weather clothes to buy for it to come home from the hospital in. I really do want to know. So we signed up to be a "model" at a Crisis Pregnancy Center about 45 mins away. They are teaching nurses (who are trained RN's in other ways) how to read ultrasounds. They look at your baby and you get a picture. Great. We did this yesterday :)

The nurses were so great and if I was scared or having an unplanned pregnancy, I was definitely go there. They all asked my story and I told them. They got excited with Patrick and I when we saw the heartbeat again, saw it kick its feet and when they told us the baby's legs were measuring 2 weeks ahead of the rest of it. Surely an indication that it will take after it's daddy. And finally, at the very end the tech (who was the teacher, highly trained and had been doing this for years) asked if we wanted to know the gender, Patrick grabbed my hand and we said yes.

So there, plain as day was our LITTLE BOY. I kept saying, "Are you sure? You promise?" and I was crying. Patrick was crying. All the nurses were crying. The tech said, "You see that little thing? And those circles? I've been doing this a long time and that's a little boy." I laughed and then kept crying. How incredible to know. How wonderful to call "it" a HIM! It really was a beautiful moment for us.

So, now you know (after quite a long post). I thought we were going to have a girl because a lot of our friends in Indiana have boys. I know it doesn't work that way, but in my mind I had it figured out. Patrick (and Kent and Jason and my mom and the massage lady) were certain it was a boy. They were right. So off I go to figure out how to decorate the nursery!

(PS - my doctor is still going to do the next US at 28 weeks, so we'll get confirmation)


Anonymous said...

Let me tell you, if it had been a girl I was certainly going to stop predicting any other pregnant women!!!

I so LOVE that you are getting the 1st of you 4 boys!

Love you (all 3 of you)!

Coffman Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS! As I was reading, I was like, yep, yep. I didn't really connected with Ethan until I knew it was a boy and could start imagining more about him and calling him by name (even though it was Jack at that time, remember?!). Then it was like his kicks made sense (he was training to be a soccer player) and I could start praying specifically for him - to be a man of God, kind and gentle like his daddy etc. And - let the shopping begin!

Unknown said...

YAY!!!! What great news! (And what a great idea to do the "modeling" for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Smart you. :)

I'm totally with Cynthia and you on the finding out and connecting thing. Kyler and I decided with both of our boys that we wanted to know pure and simply so our baby wouldn't be an "it" the duration of pregnancy. It was really good for me, emotionally. I loved how we decided on a name and then could call Kayden by his name before he met us face to face. :) And, I confess, I'm a serious "planner" - had to know so I had a plan. Clothes plan, nursery plan, everything plan. Do I need therapy? :)

So happy to hear - thanks for sharing! And, I'll keep on saying - let us know if you need anything!

:) heather <><

The Swifts said...

oh how exciting!! i HAD to know so i could make the nursery as girly or boyish as possible! so glad you two are healthy!

Jason and Sarah said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad you got to find out! I was like you in the fact that I just needed to know what we were having as soon as possible! Happy room decorating and baby clothes shopping!

Morgan said...

Congrats! Little boys are so precious! I LOVE my little boy, and I know you will too! I also had to find out, a girl's gotta plan, ya know? So excited for y'all! Congrats again, and praise God!

Lynnette said...

Little boys are the best!! I wish you all the best and it is so much fun to decorate the nursery and buy the appropriate clothes. I had to find out and I was glad I did!!

Anonymous said... can now connect with your baby boy, relax, and enjoy the rest of this amazing journey!!! I am so happy for you!!!

T@R@ said...

congratulations! so happy for you two and can't wait to meet little MR. McBride :)

Jen said...

Congrats. I will be able to give you NO advice about boys, but I'm super excited for you!!! So glad you got to find out. and you are right, its way easier to connect when you know who is growing inside of you.

Beth said...

Ashley, I am so excited for you. A sweet little boy... how fun! Now the next question is... a name. :) Are you going to share?

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

You sneaky thing!! A boy will be great fun and we are so happy for you both!

Steph said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!
