Thursday, November 27, 2008


Since today is Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share some things I'm thankful for. There are so many things, big and small, that I'm grateful for this year. I hope not to take the small things for granted and I hope not to take advantage (in a negative way) of the big things. I want to enjoy them and rejoice in them.

*God's grace, redeeming love and the blood of Jesus; Freedom in Christ!

*My incredible husband

*The little baby that's growing and thriving in my womb. Plus, his little kicks!

*My family - that includes Patrick's family, too. I consider them my own :)

*Friends and friends who are like family

*A warm home, a functioning car and food to eat

*The blessing of being able to stay home and be a homemaker (plus, working a few days a month at the coffee shop!)

*My health and the desire to maintain it.

*A love for fruits and vegetables

*Snow on Thanksgiving :)

*The ability to read, write and understand; to ask questions, grow and learn.

*The freedom of speech

*The privilege of living in a country where I'm free. Free to worship, free to vote, free to make decisions and free to live.

*Boston Cream Pie (is that too ridiculous? Surely not, it's so tasty!)

*Socks for my cold feet and down comforters to snuggle into on a cold night

*Not lacking anything that I need and rarely that I want

I could go on and on, but you get the idea :) I'm thankful for all of you. Thanks for reading my blog, staying in touch and allowing me to process and share myself with you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I notice your countdown is at 100 days--how cool that that would happen on this particular day. Zach and I are thankful for your family's friendship and especially for the little one God has blessed you with!