Monday, December 15, 2008

Ultrasounds are so much fun

Today we had another ultrasound. It's incredible to see how our little man has grown over the last 14 weeks (six if you count the last US at the CPC)! Our tech was so sweet and endured so many questions from me. I was speechless the rest of the time (believe it, or not), in awe of the incredible miracle God is hand crafting inside of me.

It was confirmed that this baby is a boy. She said, boys are more circles and girls are more lines. We had zero lines and a lot of weird looking circles that she (and Patrick) had to explain to me. I need to brush up on baby anatomy, apparently. The baby's head is currently measuring a week ahead and I promptly told him to even out because that was going to be quite unfortunate for me if he didn't. We'll see how well he listens :)

I was able to see why I'm so uncomfortable already. There is a baby head resting contently on my bladder, a tiny bum in my left rib cage and quick kicking feet in my right rib cage! No wonder I was having a hard time breathing and staying calm as the tech pushed and moved around the top of my uterus to find the gender things.

The baby's heart rate was kind of low, but nothing to worry about. I think he was sleeping (too bad he wouldn't move a little more downward) because he was wide awake for quite some time in the middle of the night. But he was SO incredible precious and I loved seeing his little face and feet and legs and kidneys and spine and all the other cute little baby things that we saw!

Oh, some good news is that my placenta is not as low as it was before. She showed me on the US where is was located, then pointed it out to me on my belly. She said as long as I have two cm to spare, then the baby should come out first no problem. I was so relieved and grateful that God answered yet another pray for us in this pregnancy!

So, here are some updated pictures of our active, healthy and incredible cute baby:

Side view...
Little legs that are getting more muscle and fat everyday! Good for him!
Precious face. There is a hand in front of his mouth. He looks so squished in there!
And for those of you who can depict ultrasound pictures well, it's still a mystery to me (but not to Patrick and Darla, the tech), baby McBride' gender confirmation. Darla affectionately called this picture "himself' and referred to his man parts as "his stuff". I just threw out real words because I needed a more specific answer when I was looking at everything. She pointed out that the scrotum was visible. Good to know, Darla, good to know.
And that's the last we may see of our little guy until the day we meet face to face. I can't wait. I know that labor and delivery is hard and painful, but each day I get more excited about it and feel like God has really given me a desire and excitement for this miracle! Although, I occasionally get freaked out and have to pray for a renewed vision! :)


Anonymous said...


Baby Hancock said...

Oh, how very exciting! Thanks for sharing! You guys are gonna be the best parents!

Love ya!

Jeannie said...

Except for the jelly all over your belly, right?

Oh man, I'm so sorry about the accident! Yikes! I have more experience with those than I'd like to glad you are OK baby