Over the last two weeks, I've realized how easy it is for satan to sneak in and whisper lies to me. I'm amazed at how quick I am to believe lies when I know the Truth. A little exhaustion, frustration and weariness allows anything to rule over you.
The power of God's Word never ceases to amaze me. Just an utterance of Truth and power is released. A quick thought of a promise and lies are shattered. What an incredible God we serve! I'm so thankful for His kindness and nearness amidst the battle for my heart, soul and mind.
I've found myself listening to the lies and hurtful whispers from satan more often. Not because I want to, but because I just don't have the energy to not listen. What a terrible excuse to allow satan to deceive me! I have strength in the Lord! He promises rest for the weary! When I get discouraged or frustrated or exhausted, I recall God's promises to me. I drop to my knees in humble, desperate prayer. I go to His Word and speak, out loud, the powerful encouragement that's offered to us endlessly.
So easily I am decived, but so effortlessly my God resuces me. I hope and pray that this lesson does not fade away with a new season. I want to rely on God desperately as I have since Benjamin was born. I want deeply to know the power of God's Word and the freedom I have in Christ. I want to remember this time and rejoice in God's grace, mercy and strength that has carried me tenderly through the thickest of lies and deciet. I want to bring glory to Him who has been more than I could ever imagine, more than I could ever ask for.
Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow... even the hard, tearful blessings.
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