Thursday, April 2, 2009

New every morning...

Each day is something new around here. Yesterday was not a good day. But the three days before that - so great! I knew a rough day was coming :) Today has been pretty good. After Benjamin ate this morning, he was a happy little fella. I took advantage and jumped in the shower while he laid contently in his bassinet. Score for me! I was clean and ready for the day by 8:30am!

We're starting to figure each other out a little more. That makes the days a little easier, or harder, depending on if things work when I try them. Above all other things that I'm grateful for right now, the one thing that I can't seem to be thankful for enough is God's mercies. I can trust that each morning they are new and He is faithful. Truly relying on Him and remembering that I'm not alone and not forgotten by Him get me through the day (and knowing Patrick gets home at 5pm ::grin:: ).

I hope you all don't mind that my posts revolve around a baby and motherhood right now. I look forward to a day when there is more going on in my life :) But thank you for your encouragement and support as I share this journey with you all.

And so you all can enjoy Benjamin's growth and preciousness, here are some new pictures :)

Chillin in the boppy with a happy face...
His favorite place to sleep... and I LOVE it!
His first tub bath... after the inital shock of being completely naked and in water (which, hello!, was his life for 10 months) he calmed down and loved the warm water.
He did not like being cold and naked. But the towel helped a little :)
Daddy and Benjamin having tummy time...
Benjamin enjoying tummy time this morning. He is so good at holding his head up. Also this is how he gets in his superman position... which is pretty cute and he looks like he is trying to fly.

The end...


mama cindy said...

My goodness! He can hold his head really well! As always I love all the pictures! I'm also glad that things are going better. I wish I lived closer so I could help more.

Love you!

Erin said...

Wow, look at him holdin' that head up?! Goodness, what a cutie.

Nathan & Sarah said...

I'm also so amazed that he can hold his head up so well... it took Ava forever to be able to do that (possibly my fault as she hated to be on her stomach and I hated listening to her scream when she was!)