This study (the book, as a whole) constantly brings me to my knees and sends me to the feet of Jesus. In just the last seven months, God has freed me, healed me and delivered me from so much guilt and shame. Things from my past that I let define me and hold me down. Things, sins, that I allowed to make me think I wasn't worthy, that Jesus' death couldn't possibly change me. These things are simply a distant memory that still cause me to praise Him.
Beth Moore asks the questions, "What would/does deliverance and healing look like on you? My head was spinning. Well, what does it look like on me? Here's my answer:
"Beautiful. Clean. Renewed. It's a look of a changed woman, of confidence, of freedom - in so many ways. It's a constant blanket of humility, redemption and gratitude...knowing I'm not who I once was. I'm something better - His."
As the devotional goes on, we look into the scripture. We look at what being a leper really meant. How lonely and devastating it was. How humiliating to yell, "Unclean! Unclean!", required by law, as you walked from place to place. But, as Beth Moore points out, isn't that how we live? Before Jesus we are unclean. We are dirty souls with sins so deep that only One can heal us. Just like the lepers we need someone to change our lives and Jesus was/is the One and Only who could.
I don't want to be like the other nine lepers in this story. I want to be the one who constantly turns around and runs to Jesus, falling at His feet, with tears of gratitude giving thanks to my Healer, the One who made me whole. I want my life to constantly reflect the humble gratitude of a changed life, a joyful celebration of being made new and a resounding voice of praise. He is the Only way! He is the Only One who can make you new, the Only One who can change you! Be free, be redeemed, by Jesus - the One and Only!
This is my prayer today:
"May I never, ever forget my Savior - the One and Only who could make me whole again, clean again, free again. The One who has healed and held me, who has revealed majesty upon majesty to these unworthy eyes. Thank You, Jesus. Help me to remember to never forget - constant, joyful gratitude."
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