I digress. After my cart was loaded I began my meandering and stumbled upon the most fabulous running shorts in the world!!!!! I even looked at target.com so I could give you a visual, but they are not there. They must be brand new. And there were matching tanks. Sigh. Now that I think about it, they weren't even on a specific rack. They were on the new-clothes-to-put-out double rack.
Now, I enjoy clothes. In fact, I love the satisfaction of finding a new pair of jeans that fit or a great top that is on sale. But more than normal, everyday clothes - I LOVE RUNNING CLOTHES!
I'm a firm believer in having work out clothes that make you feel good, that move with you and are good quality. I guess that Target isn't Nike, but my current favorite running shorts are from Target and they are still excellent (and on hiatus). Either way, I could spend ALL of my monthly clothes budget on workout clothes. AND if I had any money in my clothes budget (I am currently using my clothes budget to buy massages to get rid of sciatic nerve pain) I would have bought those shorts in an instant, I tell you!
Let me tell you about them. They are short. Tight. Black. With a rim of color at the top. And $25. That seems a little steep to me, but I would pay it. I cannot lie.
I told Patrick last night that I should have bought them so I could hang them somewhere and see them every day. Then I would tell myself, "Those shorts are going to go through training and a half marathon with you. Get ready!" That's good motivation. The matching tank isn't nearly as motivating, but I think there's nothing wrong with having a matching tank to the most fabulous running shorts in the world.
Also, a disclaimer: I cannot tell you that these shorts really are the most fabulous running shorts in the world because I have not tried them on. Although I wanted to, I just knew that I would have to try on the large and that in real life I do not wear a large in running shorts. These shorts may be awful, but when I saw them I got a good feeling about how fabulous they were and I'm going to stick with that.
When I was at the YMCA this morning, some woman had on the "matching tank" and pants that, I suppose, are in the same line as the shorts. That made me want them more, even though I can't wear either right now. Maybe I should just go get the shorts.
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