Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Almost FOUR.

Tomorrow my first baby will be four.

Tomorrow will be the day I celebrate years of answered prayers and the beautiful story God gave us as we welcomed Benjamin into the world.

That day, March 14th, will forever be etched in my memory.  Not one thing has left my mind about that day.  Maybe the pain, I never remember the pain {of childbirth}.

This boy has changed me forever and God has used him in incredible ways to shape me.  Benjamin made me a momma for the first time.  Could I ever be more grateful for such a gift?  And God knew, perfectly, what kind of child I needed to start my journey.  And He still uses B to sanctify me daily and teach me about being a mom.

My journey is never over.
I am always learning.
And so is my boy.
What a blessing!

I'll write more about my {absolutely wonderful and adorable} first born tomorrow. But here are a few pictures of Benjamin each year.  I'll post {all of} his "four-year-old" pictures tomorrow.

Brand new!

One year!



And just one of FOUR!

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