I suppose, in all honesty, that summertime is not truly over in Oklahoma until mid October. But there is always the hope that it will end abruptly and fall will actually occur for more than a week or so. Either way, with school starting and life happening -- summertime things are nearly done.
The weather was so mild this summer {minus a few random weeks} and we enjoyed a lot of outdoor play. The blow up pool from Target was the best $26 I may have ever spent! In fact, we blew up the pool today and the boys played for an hour outside. We went to the zoo several times -- with friends and just us. Having a zoo pass allows us the fun of driving down to the zoo for an hour or so and not feeling like it wasn't worth it. The zoo it always worth it for my boys.
We had lunch out once a week and enjoyed playing at parks and seeing friends and going on family dates. We ate a decent amount of ice cream and watched movies and took walks. We played inside and made forts and colored pictures and made crafts and went to the library. We made treats and shared {some of} them. We had friends over for dinner and went out to dinner {with and without friends}.
This summer was just a lot of fun, really. And I love that.
Mostly, though, I love that we enjoy being together -- just us.
Our little family is so special and brings me such joy.
And I love seeing how God has blessed us and grown us and challenged us and made Himself more known to us.
Lucky us.
In so many ways.
These are pictures from the first time we blew up the pool. It was such a nice day and it was after naps, so the boys were ready to go. They loved every second and it was so fun to watch them play. And Patrick and I laughed at them, a lot. They are crazy boys. They are adventurous and funny and full of joy and full of wild ideas. I love that these boys, our boys, are ALL boy!
Here is a little glimpse into the boys I spend my days with:
B doing his chipmunk dance. |
And so with September already here and this summer a sweet memory, I can't help but think of next summer. Next summer we will have a big boy who will be going into kindergarden and be five and little boy who will be three and a baby girl who will be seven months old. And life will be different and beautiful and a little chaotic, probably. But it's all still so incredible to me.
So goodbye summer of 2013 -- you were a blast, but I guarantee we will make even better of summer 2014. Because we can and that's how we roll. :)
So goodbye summer of 2013 -- you were a blast, but I guarantee we will make even better of summer 2014. Because we can and that's how we roll. :)
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