Friday, May 19, 2006


For the past 2 weeks or so, I have spending time with the LORD in the book of Hosea. I am not sure why I am reading this book, but I know for sure that God has me here for a reason. I am often captivated by the story Hosea tells. I find myself reading and re-reading verses or passages because they speak so loudly to me. I am amazed at Hosea's love for his harlot wife, Gomer...and I can't help but be in awe before the LORD, knowing that His love for me is even deeper than Hosea's.

There is so much history in this book. Every verse has some incredible fact relating to the book of Deuteronomy, Numbers, Kings, Chronicles...the list goes on and on! As I'm working my way through this book, I'm doing a historical study and then I'll go through it again to get whatever it is the LORD wants me to get the second time around. I am inclined to say that I would be content to read this book forever :)

The story captures my heart as unconditional, redeeming love flow from the message. God's justice and mercy are forever wrapped into the words of Hosea. I wish I could share with you each verse that has impacted my life so far. I wish I could explain with words how my heart has been affected by this book. I wish I could grasp God's unfailing love for me, His grace, His mercy. Oh, but I do fall short every time. I am not sure how many times God has brought me to tears. I cry in response to His grace and His love, but more often I cry in response to my sin.

Throughout the book, the themes of "judgment" and "salvation" take turns ruling the words. There came a point in Chapter 6 where I simply did not want to keep reading, as I knew that the Israelites would reject God once more and turn back to the world with their adulterous hearts. So many times I've played the harlot. So often I am just like Israel. My heart breaks each time I recognize how similar my life is to theirs.

My husband and I are in a season right now where nothing is certain and big decisions are being made. God has spoken so sweetly to me through the book of Hosea. Let me share a verse with you that has been so dear to me: "Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her..." Oh, wow. In this time of wilderness in our lives, I am confident in my God who allured me here in the first place. I look forward to hearing tender words spoken to my heart during this time. I expect my God to meet me here and carry me through.

He is so faithful and I am not. "How long will I be incapable of purity?" (hose 8:5) How long will I turn to the world for love and satisfaction, when the Lover of my soul is waiting for me. My King is so patient, so sweet. His words are so tender, so loving. May I forever be enthralled with His beauty and His love. "Come let us return to the LORD...Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge Him." (Hosea 6:1,3)

"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..."(Hosea 14:4) says the LORD. Amen!

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