Tuesday, May 2, 2006

The joys of homemaking...

I think I should do a mini-series on the joys of homemaking. I say this because I so enjoy making, cleaning, preparing and decorating our home! There is a lot to do most days, but I am blessed by each thing.

I would like to share a recent happening in our home. Tuesday's are my cleaning days. I stay home all day and clean, do laundry, garden...whatever needs to be done around the house. This way it's all done in one day and I have several others to run errands, meet with friends, ect. I like this schedule and it works very well for me.

Well, I am doing my thing last Tuesday...cleaning, cooking green beans (which were fresh and very tasty!) and doing laundry. I decided that the rugs in our home needed to be washed, very badly! So, I gathered up all the rugs. The rug by the fireplace, the bathroom rugs and the rugs in the kitchen. I threw everything in the washer and went about my other chores. When the washer "dinged", I went to throw everything in the dryer. However, I opened the washer lid and burst into laughter. I stood over this lovely washing machine, shaking my head...mainly at myself.

As it turns out, I had never washed the kitchen rugs before. I didn't think about it too much. Our bathroom rugs are very soft and they are white. However, after being washed with our red multi-colored kitchen rugs, they are now pink with blue dots. I am laughing now as I write this.
Some days are just too funny around here.

I called Patrick and asked if he was okay with the color pink (since it was now the color of the rugs in our bathroom) and I think he was quite surprised, as I know he does not like pink unless I am wearing a pink shirt. I told him this funny story and we both laughed at my mistake.

That evening, as he was walking out of the bathroom, he said "You know, I'm surprised they are so evenly colored..." and I said back, "Well, if you're going to mess up you might as well do it right." I certainly know that I had nothing to do with the way the rugs washed and shared color, but I would like to think that somehow...i did.

Ah, another fun memory that I so enjoy remembering. I hope that I am more mindful about washing rugs from now on. :)

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