Saturday, December 22, 2007

Off we go!

I'm trying so hard to be joyful about traveling A LOT over the next three days (hint: we'll be in a car just about as much as we'll be at a house). I find myself so overwhelmed and bummed out that there are so many places to go to celebrate Christmas. As hard as it may be, we will certainly make the most of it and enjoy the blessing of family. I keep telling Patrick that we're staying home next year. We'll see.

While it will be nice to spend some time with our families, Patrick and I both know that Christmas is not about eating tons of food and getting a lot of presents. In fact, buying so many presents this year just about made me sick. Whatever happened to enjoying family and friends and rejoicing in the birth of our Savior? Was it ever like that?

As I've been studying the Advent, my heart has constantly been brought back to Jesus. I'm so thankful that the Lord pursues us so diligently! This past week, the name of God that I studied was Immanuel, which means "God with us". SO many times, I found myself upset, frustrated, or stressed out and I would just utter these words - "Immanuel. God with us. God is with Ashley. You are Immanuel. You are here." It eased my tension and made me less consumed with myself and my to-do list and more consumed with my God.

I pray that the Lord would reveal Himself to you all as Christmas quickly approaches. I pray that you (and myself) would be humbled at His grace, at the gracious hands of our friends and families and at Salvation through a baby Boy. I pray that with each moment, we could stop and think of God with us at Christmas. Mostly, I pray that this Christmas would be different for you and for me - different in a God centered, God glorified, O Holy Night, Jesus was born to save the world way. Make sweet Christ centered Christmas memories this year!
Merry Christmas, my friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that you guys had to travel so much. But, on the other hand I'm glad because my house was one of the three you traveled to for the Holidays! I hope next year there won't be as much traveling for you guys. Love you.