Just a note to say that I am, indeed, still alive. It seems difficult to blog when all you do is eat and lay on the couch. I just have nothing to share! And no energy to make up random stories :)
*I did take a surprise trip to Chicago to see Cayla and that was wonderful. I will post pictures from that weekend very shortly. It was so wonderful to see my friend and enjoy life together. We laughed a lot, and I love that.
*I have a cold that will not go away and it's beginning to annoy me.
*I am currently experiencing all day nausea. Eating small meals helps, and I can only drink ice cold things. I believe it is because of the progesterone I'm taking. It's said to make pregnancy symptoms twice as bad. I'll endure if it means that this baby sticks around.
*We had our final appointment at Magee's today. I was so sad to leave. I have sincerely loved my experience there. It was hard to decide against having a baby there. Can you imagine a two hour drive while in labor?! So, I've been released to a regular OB. The one we chose is in Indiana and came highly recommended. We have our first appt next week. (that is a nice thing about being an infertility patient... They do ultrasounds weekly and require you to see a regular OB, with an ultrasound within 10 days of being released. Also they gave me a bag of cookies.)
*We heard the heart beat today! It was strong, at 146 BPM and the baby measured 12 mm long. It was incredible. I've never heard such a beautiful noise! We also saw the little arm and leg buds and baby's little "tail"!
*We picked some veggies from our garden at the farm the other day and we got some great things. Little hot peppers, jalapenos, onions, lots and lots of potatoes and HUGE zucchini. I made potato and leek soup using the potatoes and onions from the garden. yum!
I think that sums up my life over the last week or so. I do hope to have more interesting things to share in the future. Until then, I think I'll take a nap :)
Congrats on baby on the way. I too can relate to all day sickness and only wanting to drink really cold things. I make Chester fill my water bottle full of ice before putting water in it and sometimes it is still not as cold as I would like. Hang in there girl and take lots of naps it helps!!
Can't wait to see the pictures of you and Cayla!! I like the baby day counter!!! I'm looking forward to getting some garden potato's. Hopefully, in a few weeks you won't be so nauseous :) Love you!!
Mmmm... cookies.
aww, little peanut!! Thanks for updating even though you feel sick all the time! Hang in there! :)
As my mom would say, I'm just "tickled pink" for you! And, yes, when you hold that little one in your arms, you would do the pills, the surgery, the nausea, all of it all over again in a second!!!
yea for a heartbeat!! my guess is it is a boy, since it was on the lower side...just an old wive's tale. :) are y'all going to find out the sex of the baby? praying for ya!!
amazing how something so tiny can completely turn you upside down!
ah yes the progesterone. thats always a blast! I was so over that very quickly. But as you know its all worth it in the end! So glad you had a good U/S...many more to come!
think of you often, Ash so thanks for the update. I like the toolbar on your blog - great visual!
You oughta take a monthly picture of your growing belly... like the 1st of every month stand sideways in front of the camera... always in the same spot. It'll be a neat progression... just a thought.
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