Monday, December 8, 2008

27 weeks, and counting...

Here are some pictures of me at 27 weeks, 2 days. I'm excited that I'm almost in my third - and final - trimester. I just want to meet this little guy and see what in the world he looks like! Plus, I want to snuggle him and tell him that I love him over and over again. And give him kisses.

And a slightly funny story before the pictures. Yesterday, our furnace broke. It was a sad time and probably the coldest night so far this winter, so a bad time to stop working. Patrick was great at rounding up space heaters from our friends and we stayed snuggled up in bed.

The furnace guys came bright and early this morning (praise the Lord!) and I was asking if he thought it would be fixed soon. I mentioned that I was almost seven months pregnant and he proceeded to tell me that it couldn't be true and that I should get a second opinion on my pregnancy. He said this twice. He was unconvinced that I was indeed (and I SHOULD KNOW!) 27 weeks pregnant. Ah well. I can laugh at the situation now. When it happened, it was way to early for me to respond with something witty. I just half smiled and let my mind go into a frenzy.

Right, pictures. Please excuse my weird, fake smile. I was using the self timer and wasn't sure I was doing it right... obviously it worked and obviously I did not want to take any more pictures :)

The frontal view.
Side view...
Belly view...

We have been picture slackers, so this is the first week we've taken pictures in about six weeks. I'll just have to guess what I looked like before today. Thus far, I've gained 23 pounds. My blood pressure is good and slightly low (which they say is fine). I have a very active child rolling around inside of me. Over the last week, I've consumed more clementines and blackberries than I ever remember eating before. They are just so good. Finally, I've had three people tell me that I don't look pregnant from behind and that makes me excited because that means that my butt didn't get as big as I thought it would (yet...)!


Nathan & Sarah said...

you really do look great!

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful! I can't wait to see you this weekend so I can hug you and talk to my little grandbaby!

Love you!

Jeannie said...

Funny -- everybody looks different prego...just be glad you don't have people saying stuff like, "YOU HAVEN'T HAD THAT BABY YET??????"