Today, little did I know, is my baby blog shower. I have friends who aren't so close in distance, but wanted to bless me nonetheless! Wow. I'm overwhelmed by their kindness and love for me and Benjamin!
When I got onto my computer this morning, I checked a few blogs and behold - a blog to me. You can check some of them out here, here, here, or here. I can't describe the gratefulness because of this love! They may be so far away, but I've been so blessed and feel so loved because they took a few minutes to love on me and care for me!!!
And, because it is my baby blog shower day I thought I would post pictures of me opening a gift I got in the mail (today!). Thank you, Erin, so much for the gift. The book - brought little tears to my eyes! You're so thoughtful and I appreciate you more than you'll ever know! (and not just because you sent me a gift and threw me a shower ::grin:: ).
The very strict note on the present :)
So excited to open the gift (mind the pic, I was taking these myself!)
Loving the "Little Boys" book. I read it to Benjamin. He liked it.
Oh, and belly pics: Side view. 32 weeks, 5 days
The belly shot
Frontal view
Just being cute :)
Looking down at my not so little bump. Baby boy was jumping around while pictures were trying to be taken. Just a friendly reminder that little ones are on a schedule all their own!
Thanks, again, my friends. You've made my day! I love you all and I'm so grateful for each of you!
How sweet!
Love the belly pictures! Can't wait to see you in 1 1/2 days!!!
Love you!
It was so fun!! I'm glad you like the gift. I was hoping it would arrive early to make you wonder...but, oh well! Love you and so very excited for you!
Oh, and we can just pretend that we played a shower game and I won, ok?! Oh, yes, and the cake was delicious and who can turn down frothy, foamy punch. yum. have some on Saturday for me, ok?
What cool bloggy friends you have - neat idea!!!!!!!
Hey Ashley, unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to post a blog to you today. We were traveling from Florida to West Virginia. I probably WOULD'VE been able to, but lo and behold, almost 3-year-olds have to pee EVERY THIRTY MINUTES. Even if you're driving up the entire eastern seaboard. Just one more little (and delightful!) thing to look forward to! So proud of you and grateful for the role you've played in my life. Love you AND little Benjamin!
i hope you were just overwhelmed with bloggy love. it was very fun to do! (erin's idea - must give her the props) love you and miss you terribly...
you're finally filling out those jeans :) You look fabulous and healthy! You're on the home stretch... enjoy every minute.
Beth Chase
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