Friday, March 20, 2009

Number Two

Today was a rough day. Benjamin was mostly awake (minus a few cat naps here and there) from 9:30pm until 2:30am. Being awake with a fussy baby can seriously wear on ones ability to process, rationalize and do basic activities with calmness. Patrick woke up and walked around with Benjamin for about 3o minutes while I rested. It's truly incredible to me how such a little amount of rest can propel a momma to make it through situations like this. As I laid down for those few minutes, I couldn't help but be thankful for my mom (and all moms!) and think there has to be a special resting place in heaven that includes all luxuries of hearts content. That's not really biblical, but it was 1:30am :)

As you can imagine, today was my second breakdown. As in, a serious breakdown. Not just little tears. Breastfeeding has been difficult for me, to say the least, and for such small reasons. Benjamin is an excellent eater! I'm so thankful for that. He sucks like it's his job (and honestly, it is)! In the hospital, the nurses all said that we were doing great. However, we weren't. Latching on was a bit of a problem and I thought it would work itself out. It did not. It was painful. It was not something I looked forward to at all. Which lead to the breakdown and I called my friend Liz.

So I sat on the couch and I started to cry. I was tired. I was frustrated. I was sore. I was confused. Patrick sat down beside me. With Benjamin in the crook of one arm and me tightly wrapped in the other, Patrick asked me to tell him what was wrong. He prayed for me. He encouraged me and affirmed me over and over. I cried on his shoulder for several minutes. Bless his heart. Have I mentioned how incredible he is and how much more I've fallen in love with him over the last week. This man amazes me. Whew. Tears, tears, tears.

Liz came over and helped me through a feeding. She showed me how to hold my baby comfortably while nursing. She showed me how the latch was wrong and how to fix it. She was so helpful and saved me from so much discouragement. I cannot describe how much more enjoyable nursing is right now.

I don't think you can be prepared for the postpartum breakdowns. You never know when they'll hit. The hormones have a mind of their own! I know this all too well right now. So much is going on around me. Adjusting is hard, change is hard. But there is so much joy and goodness to celebrate. How easily that joy can be covered up by overwhelming feelings of inadequacy and failure when you can't calm your crying child, or when you don't know how to breastfeed correctly, or when you can remember what day it is and if you changed the baby's diaper before he fell asleep two hours ago. AND you have no clue how emotional you really are until you watch Wall-E and cry uncontrollably at the last twenty minutes of the movie. Sheesh!

This new adventure has not been easy. Motherhood requires parts of you that you didn't even know you had in you. You become someone new. You become a woman in love, a love like you never knew. A woman who looks at her husband in a whole new way, with a love that brings you to your knees with gratitude and humilty. You become a woman who has the privledge, the honor, the undeniable blessing of holding a modern day miracle in your arms. A miracle that grew inside of you. A mircale that you prayed for fervently. Those two things equal a love that you'll never be prepared for, you'll never know until it happens and you cannot begin to express. Then, when all that love floods into you, you forget how tired you are and that the first week isn't so easy. Because, friends, the first week is over and my baby is growing way to fast to forget that he is all mine to love on, even when it's hard.


Anonymous said... were on my mind all day today, now I think I know why. I'm thankful for Patrick that he is able to offer you the comfort and strength and of course love that you need. I'm also thankful for Liz being there to help you with something I know so little about :)

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!!

Love you!

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

Just remember everything you are feeling is totally NORMAL, and has been felt by every other mother on the planet! Every day you have to psyche yourself up with PRAYER and lots of "I can do this" (helps to have the hubby cheerleading in the background too!).

Anonymous said...

Welcome to motherhood! You have officially entered into the most adventurous part of life . . . and the most rewarding! I consider myself one of the queens of postpartum emotions so call when you need someone to empathize! I have been there . . . I have done it . . . four times over! Someday you will truly laugh about all of this, but for now, it is o-kay to cry! I can cry with you if you need me to! I will continue to lift you up to our Father!

Baby Hancock said...

You know, when I was a new mom, I wanted to warn all prospective new moms: "This is really alot harder than it looks!!" But then, I later learned, the rewards are worth it and there's no adequate way to share with a new mom the changes she will go through without scaring her off! I think you are handling it like a champ! Welcome to a new life, Momma! I love you!

Courtney said...

Your post sounds so familiar to what I went through with Austin! You are wise to reach out to friends and Patrick--you are being lifted up in prayer by so many of us. Know that every week will get a little easier--the toughness of the newborn phase ends soon but the joy of being a mommy only increases!

Lynnette said...

Hang in there girl. It does get easier. I to had moments of total breakdowns in the middle of the night and once on the phone with my mom. You can ask Chester how I propelled Cortlyn at him one night and broke down saying I can't feed my baby and then was sobbing uncontrollably in bed and my mom had to come sooth me. So I empathize with you. It is so wonderful that Patrick is there to help you and sooth you. What a good man you have. I will be praying for you, Patrick and your sweet new baby Benjamin!!

Beth said...

This is amazing. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

Jeannie said...

High Five for the honesty girl, I would expect nothing less! I love you and I'll be especially praying for you this week, my friend.

This all sounds reeeaallly familiar to my first week as a new Mommy. I remember making my friend Janine come over and help me with nursing, I was so desperate.

Surrender to the moment, baby, and cling to Jesus!