Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I had been planning a trip to see my mom for a few weeks. Only my step-dad knew my plans and I did my best to avoid any conversation about traveling with my mom. I also tried to be sneaky in our talks so she would definitely think I had tons of plans over last weekend!

B and I got up super early on Wednesday morning and flew to Pittsburgh. The Lord was SO sweet to us and neither flight was full, so we got two seats for the price of one! Benjamin was a traveling champ and loved looking out the window and talking to strangers (per usual). Sarah was so kind to come pick us up and drive us back to Morgantown!

When we got to my mom's house the plan was to put B on the porch, knock, hide and then she would be really confused and excited. This is how it actually went down: put B on porch, knock, hide. B was confused and walked away. I go back onto the porch, put Benjamin back in front of the door, knock and my mom opened the door! She was so stunned that she shut the door on us...twice actually. After that, we just walked in.

She was so surprised! Turns out, she thought that all of the medicine she had been on was making her hallucinate. Not so. We were real and it took her quite some time to calm down. I love surprises!!!!

We didn't do a lot while we were in town. Visited family, ran errands, relaxed. I was able to help out as much as I could, but my mom wouldn't let me clean her house. Oh well, I did cook dinner AND do dishes. We also got to spend a lot of time with my Gramma. I enjoyed that, too.

Gramma and B...

Aunt Beth and B... Momma, B, Aunt Beth

B got whatever.he.wanted. the whole time. He didn't sleep too well, but other than that he was great. Spoiled and squirrely...the whole time! He was loving all of the attention! I mean, ice cream, fireworks, an endless supply of goldfish, tractor rides, watering cans,hose time...what more could a boy want?!

My mom and John...or Gramma and Pappy, as they were mostly called all week. Benjamin LOOOVES these people!

Me and my mom. Does my hair look red, or what?!

Three generations. I love this. Family. That's really what it's all about, anyways, don't you think?!


mama cindy said...

I absolutely loved the surprise!! I'm sure BB is going through sugar withdraw now.....SORRY!! Loved the time spent you and Benjamin.


Baby Hancock said...

That is such a sweet surprise! I knew you were in town, but also that you'd probably be wanting to soak up as much time with Grandma as possible...that IS what it's all about! hope it was awesome! Love ya!