So I had a baby today. And now I'll tell you all about it :)
I went to my midwife yesterday and was 4cm and 60% effaced. She swept my membranes. I wasn't sure what to think about this, but it was too late at that point. I read up about this procedure and was convinced that it wouldn't work.
But it did. I started having consistent contractions about 4pm yesterday. They were about 6 to 8 minutes apart. By 10:30, we were on our way to the hospital because the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. When we got to the hospital I was a 6. Ugh. I was so hoping to be further along! I continued to progress until 3am and was an 8 at that point. Patrick, Andra {my doula and friend} and I had fun though. I was so encouraged by them and spent a lot of time in the shower.
From 3am to 8am I had consistent, pretty uncomfortable contractions. However, when I was measured I was still 8cm. I was so discouraged! All of that work for nothing! As it turns out my bag of water was preventing the baby from moving down because of it's location. My options were to continue laboring (for however long it took to move things along), to have my water broken or to get pitocin. I knew that after 14 hours of labor I didn't want to keep having painful contractions for nothing and I did not want pitocin. So I opted to have my water broken.
That worked like magic! Not more than a minute after my water broke I started having pretty intense contractions. I tried a few different positions through about five of these awful contractions. I had to go to the bathroom, so I sat on the toilet and before I knew it another contraction had come and I needed to push. So I did. And the baby started coming out. I called to Andra that the baby was coming out and reached down to feel his head. The whirlwind after that included Patrick carrying me {under my arms} to the bed, with Leanna {my midwife} holding the baby's head until I got onto the bed. She told me to push one last time, really hard, to get the baby's shoulders out. And I did. And he was out. Two good pushes. Whew!
There is never a dull moment around here, folks! God was so kind in so many ways. He allowed us to rely on Him and seek Him through prayers for endurance and strength and nearness as the night turned into morning. I prayed very fervently that I would not tear and I didn't. In fact, I'm feeling really fantastic and enjoyed this labor and delivery experience - even though it was much longer and different than my experience with Benjamin.
So, we welcome Andrew Reid McBride to our little family. He was born at 8:59 am on May 17th, 2011. I was 37 weeks and 6 days pregnant - much to my surprise! I was fully ready to wait until 41 weeks again {although that would have been very hard}. Andrew weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces and measured 20 inches long! Can you imagine how big he would have been if he came at 41 weeks?! He's a precious little peanut and has been really mellow, so far. He has dark hair and crazy long toes and feet :) AND his heart is definitely fine, fine, fine!!!
We are in love! Who knew how incredible it could be to love two little boys SO much?! We are humbled, indeed, and praiding God over and over for another little miracle! He has been so kind to us, friends! Will you praise the Everlasting God, the Creator and Almighty with us!? Thank you for your prayers and encouragement and support throughout this pregnancy!
Me at 37 weeks 4 days...
In labor...Fresh out!
Momma snuggles :)
Daddy snuggles :)
Andrew Reid!
Big brother holding Andrew :) He was a little hesitant at first...
My boys!!!
B warmed up eventually...
First family picture...
He did not like being naked and wet for his first bath...
Under the warming lamp...
Welcome baby boy!!! We're so excited your here!!!
Daddy snuggles :)
Andrew Reid!
Big brother holding Andrew :) He was a little hesitant at first...
My boys!!!
B warmed up eventually...
First family picture...
He did not like being naked and wet for his first bath...
Under the warming lamp...
Welcome baby boy!!! We're so excited your here!!!
Precious little man!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I simply cannot wait until I see you and your little family. Love you!!
Congratulations! What a great birth story. You are so strong and such an inspiration! Such a handsome little guy, and you look fabulous!!
Ash, We are so stinkin' happy and excited for you guys. I am so glad to hear that you had another good birthing experience. You are blessed sister! and we are blessed by you :) Can't wait to see you!
Only you would have this post up so fast. You amaze me. Thank you for all these pictures! Can't wait to get my hands on these kids!
What a sweet story, Ashley! Congrats to you all! And, by the way, you look great!!... I think you might just be lying because you look too good to have just had a baby ;) Seriously, though, I'm so happy for you and Patrick! God is so good!
Congrats!!! So very exciting! Love and praises!
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