Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy {belated} 4th of July...

My mom got the boys Old Navy 4th of July shirts. So they wore them yesterday, obviously. We had a very low key holiday. We went to the parade in the morning and then spent the rest of the day at home. We grilled ribs and had corn on the cob - pretty American of us, I'd say ;)

Because we have small children, we didn't go see fireworks {they started at 10}. This is always very sad for me because I love fireworks. And I'm certain that B would love them too. Maybe next year we can swing it!

Because of the cute shirt wearing, I felt I needed some good pictures of B and AR together. Hum. Please enjoy the process of trying to get one {JUST 1!!} good picture of them together...

*Sigh* Another day, I guess.

Also, here are a few more pictures from our day. Are you getting tired of picture posts? Someday soon I'll write a post with nothing but words, words, words!

At the parade. Which was at least an hour long. And not too hot. But very humid. Fun, nonetheless.
A covered wagon. Duh. It's Oklahoma!
My sweet boy. He loves parades {and so do I!}. He especially loves the marching bands. I feel like fire trucks and police cars/motorcycles are a given...because he loves those, too.
Family pic, minus Andrew. He slept the entire time. Through marching bands and fire trucks and everything in between - he wiggled twice. So nice.
Happy 4th of July!

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