Monday, December 19, 2011

Sugar Scrub

This year I made the girls in my flock some homemade goodies for Christmas. I wish I was better at sewing because there are just so many things I could make. But alas, I will be creative in other ways :)

I found some ideas for a homemade sugar scrub and then tweaked some of the recipes and voila!
I printed out "directions" on card stock and tied some twine around festive fabric. Easy, fun and full of hand {or body} pampering!

Here is what I used:
*Equal parts pure cane sugar and vegetable glycerin
*A decent size squeeze of Aloe Vera gel {you know the green stuff you put on a sunburn!!!}
*Several drops, until you get the strength of scent you want, of essential oil. I used lavender, but I have rosemary oil. Maybe next time I'll try both {but not together!}. I use the rosemary in my vinegar/water cleaning solution and it always smells so good!
*A dollop of EVOO. I used this for extra softening. I've read, though, that grapeseed oil is much better. Next time I'll give that a whirl.

Mix it together in a large glass bowl and stir until moistened. I stored mine in a zip lock baggies until I was ready to use it. And because I have a small child, I was able to reuse baby food jars to put the scrub in! These make a great gift and they are fairly cheap and easy. What friend {well, girl friend} wouldn't love a little sweet smelling hand pampering sugar scrub? ;)

I also gave "Truffle Hot Chocolate Balls" -- basically a chocolate ganache that is frozen and the added to milk and warmed. So good! But I can't claim that recipe, unfortunately. {Although I did tweak, but what's new.} Here is where you can find it. And I will warn you that you may just eat the ganache instead of putting it in milk.

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