Tuesday, June 18, 2013


It's week 24. 
That's month 6.

And it's viability week! Which means our girl could survive outside the womb if God chose to bring her early.  But we don't want her out yet.  I'm preparing myself for another 41 week pregnancy and praying and hoping for something closer to 38 :)

I'm feeling really great and my belly grows by the day.  I'm still having a lot of braxton hicks contrations and I can feel this girl flip around on a daily basis. She's pretty low key during the day, but I'm certain that's because I move so much! The other day I was sitting for an extended amount of time {at jury duty. 4 hours, to be exact} and she was all over the place!

She enjoys waking me up in the middle of the night already with her kicks and flips.  I appreciate the heads up, I guess. I pee so much -- It's crazy.  And I *think* we have a name for this girl.  Which may be as surprising to you as it is to me!

I drink a lot of water and have had way more soda than I normally do! I really want salads a lot and have been eating more healthy recently.  My body just feels so awful when I eat bad things.  But please don't think that stops me from eating french fries.  Because I really like eating them. 

I still work out, but have stopped running for any extended amounts of time.  I can run/walk -- but because the baby is so low, running is hard on my pelvis and hips. I lift weights happily and still carry a 28 pound Andrew around.  Although, I don't carry that sweet boy nearly as much as he would like.  If he is crying at my feet -- you know why.  Pushing a grocery cart with both boys and groceries is starting to get a little tough -- despite my greatest efforts to stay fit and strong.  There is just something about all that pushing that makes me exhausted!

I had an ultrasound last week and baby girl was measuring right on track! They wanted to check her heart once it was a little bigger to make sure everything was okay {since Andrew had some arrhythmia in utero}.  Her heart looked great and she was healthy! Although, she was very stubborn and it was the most uncomfortable ultrasound I've ever had!  She was transverse so they had the hardest time seeing everything they needed to see! 

She is, still and definitely, a girl.  Her legs are long. She was estimated to weight 1.6 pounds at 23 1/2 weeks.  And her "due date" is still the same.  I'm just praying all of those flips get her head down and that she stays that way until she comes out :)

The last month seemed to fly by.  We had VBS at church and that took up two weeks. Plus, painting our downstairs and just being a family of four -- whew!  I anticipate the next month going quickly, since we will have visitors for a few days next week and then pack up and go to WV for a little trip to meet our nephew {who will hopefully be here by the time we are there}! 

The third time around is quick. And slow. It's just different, I guess.  I can't believe I'm already 24 weeks pregnant, but I am having such a hard time thinking forward for at least 13 more weeks.  It will be here before we know it and I really can't wait to meet this little girl.  We prayed and fought so hard for this pregnancy and God was so kind to us.  And what a beautiful surprise that we get a tiny girl around here. You may tire of hearing me say this, but it's truth: I'm still so humbled by the gifts we have been given in our children. I'm so grateful that God saw it fit for us to have another child.  Really, it makes my heart so incredibly full.

Pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Baby's profile and little hand!

Long legs -- just like daddy :)
Still alien looking, but a frontal face picture with the hand. 
Tiny little feet that let me know she's in there.  The tech measured her foot and it was 4cm.
That seems so crazy to me!

24 week bump. I feel like I'm the largest pregnant woman alive. 

I have no comparison pictures for this week because I can't figure out which week is which -- and well, it's really not that big of a deal.  Just know that my belly is growing more rapidly, but not as insanely as it could, this time around :)

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