Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A post of winterish pictures...

Because I no longer make time to sit down on a regular basis and write -- here is a supplemental post of pictures! At some point this week, I will take some time to write out a thousand things that are going through my head...but until then....

Enjoying our snow days!

The first round of snow was too soft to make anything...

Daddy and Elise

The second round of snow was snowman-tastic! Benjamin didn't love being outside for too long...

As you can see here...

A happy, but forced picture ;)

Sweet Elise

She really is such a content baby -- answered prayers!!!

At Benjamin's school Christmas program -- Lessons and Carols. He was so excited to dress like daddy!

I asked him after the program if he was terrified on stage, or if he had fun.  He happily told me that he had a fun time.  SO this is a picture of an introverts idea of fun in front of a crowd ;)

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